ISBN 978-0-9571901-6-0
Publication 2016
Paperback 200 pages RRP £10.99

CENTRE The Truth about Everything

Brian Taylor


CENTRE is a book about investigation which offers a new discovery in touch with the Source of being, the Oneness of all life.

As a result of a spiritual awakening, the author came to see that all beings have this luminous Centre at the centre of their beings and are, for the most part, unaware of its significance or even its existence. The truth is revealed about what is inside you – not the bones, flesh and organs but the very ‘centre’ of your being, the gateway to your real self, where you came in and where you go out.

This is a rare book containing the truth about things we ought to know about because they directly affect our well-being and long-term happiness. It has the power to create an awakening in readers.

Learn how to access the Centre. How to understand it. How to use it. How to enter it forever.


An introduction to the concept of CENTRE by the author Brian Taylor  READ MORE…


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CENTRE The Truth about Everything

“A marvellous and truly stunning book!!  A treasure indeed. A way to complete happiness is here. It is ALL UP TO US. Read chapter 37 and find out WHY things are the way they are for YOU.”  — Pisamorn Chulsrikaival, Thailand

CENTRE The Truth about Everything

“Centre: The Truth about Everything is a unique book. The wisdom offered in it is a gift of immeasurable value. The author, Brian Taylor, discovered that the Centre of the One has a physical location in the centre of every living being. If one follows the description provided in his book, one may be able to find the original Centre, the Source of the Universe, within the physical body…” -Martin J., Germany

CENTRE The Truth about Everything

“A soul filled with much wisdom, has brought back home the knowing of whom I am, my life long instinctive being, given freely with love… ‘One, and not two, That’s all you have to do, One and not two, That’s all you have to do.’  —Jasmin Horst E.P. Seiler, Poet & Writer, Ontario, Canada

CENTRE The Truth about Everything

“I like the proverb about the fisherman not feeling the fish’s pain till he becomes the fish.” —Beckie Brook, Animal Aid Teacher, England

CENTRE The Truth about Everything

“Very evocative and fascinating, all in all. Reminds me a bit of the books by Wei Wu Wei…”—Dr Will Tuttle (Author of The World Peace Diet), U.S.A.

CENTRE The Truth about Everything

“I liked CENTRE, it is different and well done. The author is sharing something real, quite Zen, that he experienced on the bridge… and the book is an opportunity for a possible transmission to another…” —Anthony Cheke, Oxford, England

CENTRE The Truth about Everything

“He has found his way to the Centre – and any way Home is a good way! The One becomes many, and then rediscovers who it is!” —Richard Lang, The Sholland Trust, England

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