The Ten Fetters

Brian Taylor


A translation and explanation of the Ten Fetters, the Buddha’s teaching on what binds living beings to the Sangsara and suffering. 

If we have succeeded in releasing ourselves from all ten fetters we are Arahats. If we haven’t, we can use them as a tool to see and identify those things which arise in the mind and keep us trapped in a world of suffering. We can patiently weaken their hold on us (which is our hold on them) and, ultimately, free ourselves from them forever.


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The Ten Fetters

“If … you find that you have suffered enough… you are no longer satisfied with unsatisfactoriness… you see that one should overcome the false egoic self which is responsible for all the misery in this world… you feel a deep wish for everlasting peace and happiness- then read this booklet.
It is a practical and straightforward guide towards the liberation of the mind. The translations and explanations offered by the author are in accordance with direct experience and not erudition alone.” – Martin J., Germany 

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